
in this picture there is a woman sitting on the floor of a flowershop
there is a man with his blue cool car having a quintessential grasp of reality
this is a lonely little woman, already unhappy
this is the fear facing a strong person
this is a lost soul, maybe never properly grownup
this is a fuckin idiot
this is a person who gave everything to knowledge
this is a not yet a woman having her first glimpse of life
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Art Direction

HOLD is a wander in the world of deep emotions. Each character is suffering, trapped in the cage of a negative state of mind. […] Fear, depression, mental illness: lonely souls and hopeless people are blocked in downward spirals to the deepest sadness.  Unarmed and ignored, they are not able to cope with – or they don’t tolerate to have to – the fugacity of life. As a reaction they sometimes create own imaginary worlds. Because in the real one they feel inadequate or unappreciated and, in most cases, they are aware of this dramatic condition. […] The hyperrealism of details, along with a strong contrast of lights and shadows, create images where characters are painfully walking throughout inner paths of growth. The photographer gently guides us inside those dramas, where high expectations are often broken down by others’ indifference; where a good opportunity is not always  the easiest (or most desired) choice to make. A profound disappointment is swinging between a dream of internal peace and the rough texture of reality. Yes then, it’s just the every-day life. Nevertheless there must be an instinctive form of resilience. […] visitors will find their own key: is there any hope at the end of this journey?

Elena Gianpaoli